Wednesday, March 22, 2006

New Orleans devestation.....

Hey everyone! They finally got Blogger here working kinda sketchily, so I decided to try to put up some more pictures of my travels. I just recently saw the Katrina devestation. Here is some pictures:

The destroyed strip malls were more shocking to me than the destroyed houses. It was like an armaggedon movie or something.
This building looks like a dead flower to me.
Most of the structures had these spray painted details on them.

You think that crib out front was a plant by the people to generate sympathy? Pretty smart.
This was a little project type neighborhood that I went into. It was kinda sketchy because you don't really know who is hanging around and there isn't really any law around. None of the street lights work or anything. It's like a no mans land.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Told you to bring your 9mm.
Did you loot me anything?

8:24 PM  

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