Sunday, May 14, 2006

I finally set up my telescope.....

I haven't posted for a while so I thought I'd briefly fill in anybody who is reading.

I'm training hard to work out my injuries in my arm, and knee. I'm going to the gym every other day, and riding my bike on a cool bike trail that is right down the street from me.

I put new BF Goodrich mud terrain tires on my truck, since I destroyed the ones I had, right after I first bought them by doing slides on the street, and freaky stuff like that. I didn't even think about getting flat spots. Live and learn I guess.

I have an open studio show at The Art Explosion in San Francisco, but after that I don't have anything on the show schedule yet. It's been a great experience being at the artist colony. It has opened my eyes to the many possibilities available and rounded me out a bit. The colony seems so much better for an artist than just going to galleries or whatever, because you get to talk to people about their processes and you learn so quick.

Currently I am reading Contingency, Hegemony, Universality by Judith Butler, Ernesto Laclau, and Slavoj Zizek.

Hopefully I can work out the tendenitis in my knee, and elbo so I can get back to work. Here is an illustration I'm working on, but I'm also working on some acrylic paintings that I will post later. Take it easy all!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are reading alot of books. Which one doe you like the best and why?


7:41 PM  

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