Friday, March 10, 2006

Probably going to head toward Carlsbad.....

I'm probably going to start toward Carlsbad Caverns on Monday. I got my mail shipped to me, and I'm getting kind of bored of Roswell, unless some opportunities pan out. I have my feelers out, but nothing extremely useful is coming up. Maybe I'll become a damn class A hick ass truck driver (no offense truck drivers, only hick asses can be offended), here is some alien treasure for you you've probably seen 100 times before from the Roswell UFO Museum:

This was at the end, behind super clean glass for photos. It looks better on film than in person.

This was near the end. It just weirds me out, that's why I had to show it.
This guy had the coolest Roswell artwork that I saw.
This thing was the best. I forgot to read its history because I was so busy reading the graph of what everything was. Basically its a guy, sitting in a spaceship. You can totally see it. I think it's from about 200 AD or something. I can't remember if it was Aztec or Mayan or something else. Anyway you can see his breathing apparatus, a foot pedal. They tell you to make notice of the way the hair is hanging down because of gravity. There's a navigation symbol, and a bunch of other symbols that are supposed to represent the planets in the bottom right corner in the framing. It was sweet. The replica is about 15ft tall.
Different types of aliens.
Me reflected in famous, but notorious bogus contrived alien metal remains.
The governments crash test dummies on loan to the museum. Pretty weird looking, huh.
The entrance to the museum. I'll be honest, all the stuff I've seen here has been crap, except the one guy who was building the full alien resort. His store was the only nice store. The blue prints were craaaaaaazzzyyyyy! These people are geniuses. It was amazing. Anyway, you can see how crappy things are by looking at this cheesy set up at the UFO Museum, which is the end all be all of Roswell pretty much.
They have so much alien crap here, their just throwing it away. This is the only place I know, so far, that you can be walking in an alley and it is perfectly normal to see piles of flying saucers laying around waiting to be junked!Alien tourist trash, of which I got a ring, two shirts and a hat.

Go to and check it out, I haven't looked at it yet, but this guy is definetely the next big thing outta here. No one will go through the work this guy has.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Aliens, marshins, ET, Flying Saucers.....

I'm going to the UFO museum in a few minutes. I'm at an internet cafe down the street right now. I'll have some alien pictures by tomorrow. I'm trying to work deals right now. I'm going to try to convince a guy, who let his alien junk store go to shit, to let me help him fix it up, and maybe buy some alien junk of my own to sell out of his store. We'll see what happens. When 3 bedroom houses are only 40k, I can't resist trying to create some stupid job for myself here. Especially in the Sci-Fi junk industry. Should be cool. Catch ya later.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Roswell, New Mexico!

March 6- I’ve been driving in New Mexico all day. I did drive shortly though El Paso, Texas today. What a slum that is. Texas seems like such a miserable place. It looked exactly like the slums in Mexico. I’m so glad to be from Newport Beach, where the rich get richer, and the poor get pushed farther and farther toward Arizona. Anyway…….haha…I’m in Roswell, New Mexico and I got a hotel room at a cheap weekly rate, and I’m laying here in bed in Roswell watching a show on National Geographic about cow mutilations….hahaha. From what I’ve seen the town looks pretty cool. I saw some artists, and of course your mainstream alien stores. I’m gonna stock up on trinkets while I’m here. I’m sick of driving though, that’s why I’m gonna chill here for a week, get my mail sent here, and just relax and enjoy Roswell! I climbed some crazy mountains today. I showered at a truck stop for the first time too! It wasn’t bad. Nine dollars gets you a clean shower, towel, soap and wash cloth. There was some crazy ass hitchers outside too trying to get rides. They know fresh meat when they see it, they were fuckin’ with me trying to get a ride. I ended up asking them if there was anything they needed to try to help them. One kid was like “A pack of smokes.” I just laughed at him and said, “Fuck that!” Then he laughed. I said “Like water or something.” He said “No.” Then I said, “Are you sure?” as I was walking in the store, and he said “Some beef jerky.” So I got him that. I offered to buy another guy a shower and he said “I just took one this morning believe it or not.” And he kinda sneered at me. Hahahaha….it was hard to tell.

Missle trails over New Mexico. Hmmmm...guess there's alot of military testing going on around here.

They have my chips here.
New Mexico sunset West of Las Cruces
View from the rest stop of Las Cruces.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

I'm in New Mexico now.........

Here's a couple pic's:

This is the stars in the Arizona desert. Texas Canyon to be exact. That's Orion in the top right. This was taken with a 15 sec open shutter time.

Me taking a timed picture of myself in front of the canyon rocks.
More rest stop canyon views.

What the hell is the thing? They didn't peak my curiosity enough to stop. I think my friends told me what it was, and it was something stupid.

Everyone loves a car accident. Hey, Fox news lovers, I'm appealing to you. Love me! Next week I'll be covering sex, murder, Pamela Anderson, Carmen Electra, Anna Kornikova, cars, houses, money, stars, porn, art, war, death, life, philosophy, drawing, writing, painting, music, bands, Britney Spears, Christina Aguelara, nudity, silicon implants, plastic surgery, nose jobs, tattoos, king tutt, jobs, work, g-string, thong, beach, strippers, playboy, hustler, Maxim, Sports Illustrated, Juxtapose, San Francisco, dick cheney, BMW, Ferrari, Fashion, teens, travelers, Los Angelas, Orange county, shopping, auction, ebay, drugs, cocaine, marijuana, extacy, pot, joints, acid, lsd, heroine, spleef, spliff, blunt, rap, punk, orchestra, r and b, snoop, emo, whiney bastards, toys, internet, coke, pepsi, mall, wallmart, berol, earthquake, death, bombing, soldier, war, iraq, iran, dubai, Bush wacker, President Suck, hahahaha..., missle, support the troops, yellow ribbon, christian, bhudda, islam, muslim, moslem, qu'ran, koran, peace, hippy, love, hate, confusion, depression, pills, medication, pharmacy, books, retail, blog, travel, crazy, creativity, cream, whipped, kidnapping, celebrity slip, red carpet, movies, blockbuster, new releases, mass casualties, tanks, guns, bullets, bum violence, explosion, ied, hummer, machine,......ha hahhahhaha... you webmasters know what I'm talkin' about...hahahahha, gotta get them hits baby!

March 4- Left my friends house in Arizona about 1pm. I drove from Phoenix to just past Tucson, Arizona. I found the coolest rest stop I’ve been to so far in Texas Canyon, Az. The sky was clear and perfect, and it was right about sunset because I left at 1pm. I took a bunch of pictures of the canyon, and at night I took a bunch of 15 second digital exposures of the stars. There was a resident rest stop cat. I tried to make friends with it with food but it was a scaredy cat. It was freeeking cold at night though. I wrapped up my electronics as warm as I could, and I slept with the covers over my head because it got so cold it seemed like it was hard to breathe. Maybe it was just me, but head under the covers helps. I’m guessing I’m at about 3 thousand elevation. Can anyone tell me what elevation Texas Canyon is? Take it easy all.