Thursday, April 06, 2006

The Petrified Forest, The Painted Desert, Meteor Crater, and The Grand Canyon all in one day.....

I was tired. I was being chased by a snowstorm though, and I had to see everything before it hit. I rushed to see the Grand Canyon, after I saw the petrified forest and the crater it finally caught me......

Here was the Grand Canyon just before I got can see the cloud shaddows from the storm....

I love Pre-Cambrian trilobites.
Meteor Crater. You can't believe the wind at this place. It nearly pushed me over, plus it was starting to snow a bit.
This is a part of the meteor that struck there.
You could litterally watch this storm stream in. This shot was crazy live....
Petrified wood. People had big yards of petrified wood that they had plundered from the park, and they were selling it.
More petrified forest.
Somebody did this on purpose.

Painted forest. I guess this is cobolt that makes it red, and they use that in red paint? I guess, I guess...
This was a huge furry bug stuck to my tire to protect itself from the wind. I had to save it before I bailed. I grabbed it by the wings and it's legs were flailing. It was a big bug.

I'm home in Newport Beach, California now.'s so nice to be back with my own again. I was out riding my bike around, and some guy in a raised truck honked his horn to say wazzup, since I represent the white trash around here, and I said wazzup! to him back and I thought, oh yeah, status again. Outside this state I'm just strange and unusual, but here, I fit in and rise up. I'm glad I was raised here. Go Cali!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Georgia, Alabama, Oklahoma.....

Oklahoma has this interesting looking red dirt, or clay. It's super red.

This thunder cell rolled through with some heavy winds. I was in tornado alley, durring tornado season, so I kept my eyes open for a little while.
I can't remember where this was. Arkansaw or something. It was interesting looking.
There were these pink blossom trees everywhere.

The Georgia Aquarium......

The Georgia Aquarium was cool. It was the biggest one I've been to yet. They have the largest salt water tank in the world. It is huge! The tube goes right through it. It's not all shallow either. I had two whale sharks swimming right over me! It was crazy. Here's some pics:

There was so many cool fish in this tank.

I have never seen a whole school of Rays before.

Unbelievable! Whale sharks swimming over my head.

This blue and yellow is cool.
This tube was incredible.
They had all kinds of tubes and crawl spaces for kids.
Belluga whales are really angelic looking. The blue and what looks like white light helps I guess.
This is the entrance to the aquarium.