Friday, March 17, 2006

Texas to Lousiana....

So this snake was waiting for me when I woke up this morning, and I had sandles on.
Mr. Blasty by the lake. Yes I named my truck Mr. Blasty after Homer Simpson's gun, because I love guns and Homer Simpson. See how that works?
That's not a squirrel.
Just another car wreck on the 10 hwy.
Texas and New Mexico are trying to tell me something. I'm still trying to figure it out.
On my way to New Orleans. It's Friday so all the Hotel rooms are super expensive. Not sure what I'm going to do yet.

Carlsbad Caverns, New Mexico....

This is the Carlsbad Caverns cave boob. Not a single person walked by this formation without making some comment.

Here is a couple pictures with the flash. You couldn't really get anything unless you flashed it.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

So called virtuous zealots....

So these idiots around here don't have any trouble putting a very large gun, next to the ten commandments. It's obvious that they don't think twice about their path, since they prefer "blind" faith, yes, "blind", you are "blind", you admit it, you say it, I agree....fucking idiots. The ten commandments and a gun........arrrrgghghghgh! Take a look at yourself for a fucking second! Just a second! Is that too much to ask! There is not a peace to be found on the other side of war! You can't fight your way to peace! Only through diplomacy can peace be reached! I fucking hate you for ruining my world with your perpetuated ignorance. Yes, you are "blind".

Sorry normal people. I'm heading out to Carlsbad Caverns on Monday. It's so windy here the street signs have little springs on the bottom so they can bend over in the wind. That would never go over well in California. The wind would blow one over, it would wack the shit out of someone, they would sue the city, and that would be the end of it. I guess here they have thick skulls, and probably wouldn't feel it. Arrrgghghghh......I miss Cali.