Friday, May 05, 2006

Art Show at Ronnie Caplane's headquarters.....

This was a pretty fun show. "Green Face Girl" was singing, and there was a couple other artists there. I never really like taking pictures, so the only pictures I have are from when I set up. Sorry all, I'll try to get better about that. Anyway, for those of you who might want to hire me for future shows, here is what it looked like:

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Three days of shows at The Art Explosion, in San Francisco

Here are some pictures from the show. Here is my space. I set up Aeon Flux, with my flat screen, just for passing entertainment. There was a lot of great art as you will see:

Demitri is my studio mate. This is his space:
These are great quilt type designs. Very articulate and colorful. The artist who created these bought one of my posters and might do some work with some of the images. That would be cool.
Rachel is super good. The colors in these paintings are sweet. I think she uses a somewhat conservative pallet, but with a bright blue. I don't know much about oils.
Ummm......these were cool.

These bronze paintings sold well.